Reflective Journaling

What is Reflective Journaling?

Reflective journaling is the practice of writing to different aspects of consciousness. It’s a shared connection between your mind, emotions, and physical body in the present moment. Through this mind-body-spirit connection, a powerful bond in created between your inner world and your physical world.

(Tartakovsky, 2016)




Increased Self-Awaressness

Emotional and Mental Clarity


Stress Management

Stronger Intrapersonal Skills

Increased Perspective Taking

Personal Growth

Improved Mindfulness

Improved Executive Fuctions

Foster Positive Mental Wellness

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Free download: 16 days of journaling challenge

Disclaimer: The information included on the website was is intended for personal use at your own risk. The information provided is not intended to serve as a substitute to medical or clinical advice. Consultation with a mental health professional or other qualified health provider is highly recommended for with any specific questions you may have regarding your condition ♡

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